Well, it's been almost three months since my original post. I guess I'm going to have to get better at this. Ha!Ha! A whole lot has happened in the last few months. I've taken several trips to Busch Gardens and Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida, and got some incredible images. Here are a few of my favorites. I'll be posting more of these beautiful creatures and, oddly enough, florals I found while there.
October 13 through the 15th, I had the blessing of being able to go to Tennessee to see the changing of the Fall colors. What an incredible trip that was! I’ve never been able to see them like that before, and it was breathtaking. I can’t remember a time when I’ve said “oh, my gosh, that’s beautiful!” so much in such a short span of time. Naturally, I took about a thousand pictures, and I’m still working my way through them. I was invited by a dear friend to go up and help her ready a vacation rental she and her husband own at Cedar Top near Sevierville, Tennessee, called Parsons Manor. I’ll be posting more of my incredible trip later, including visiting Cades Cove. Here are just a few for now.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll try to be more active here with posts and keep you updated on what I'm doing.
Test comment by Carolyn.